As I reached down to obtain ingredients for one of my favorite foods, and one of the only things I’m actually capable of making it occurred to me that perhaps I am in fact what I eat. I opened the bottom drawer of the fridge and pulled out the Kroger brand shredded cheese and tortillas that were 2 for 5 at King Soopers and the Quesada making commenced. So the first two words that come to mind when thinking about what I was making were: cheap and easy, which no girl in her right mind would like to be called but as I examined more of the selections in my fridge I thought of more adjectives, less offensive adjectives, to describe my food choices.

The next word that came to mind was particular and or picky, and time efficient, which actually translates into fast. These words might not seem less dreadful but when analyzing a little closer they are actually kind of complimentary. I’ve always been a picky eater, my roommate likes to say I have the appetite of a 12-year-old boy but I see things differently, being picky is not a downfall it just means you know what you want. I’m picky about everything, the food I eat, my friends, even the things I wear, being “picky” can also be thought of as being precise which is a good quality in a human being. I mean wouldn’t you want to describe your dentist or mechanic as precise? I would rather that than the opposite, which would be vague or careless.
Time efficient, or fast, is something I say at job interviews to convince them that I will be a good worker, so obviously that can be thought of on the plus side of a personality. Speed is a quality that is defiantly not frowned upon in America, considering the amount of “restaurants” that pride themselves on how fast they can make food. The way I see it, the sooner I get done with cooking the sooner I can get to other activities, such as homework; or really anything other than cooking.
I can’t avoid the fact that I refuse to spend more than seven dollars on any one item of food, or anything else for that matter, probably because I am a student and have absolutely no money to my name and most of my money goes towards my 40 dollar gas tank and weekend festivities, and if that makes me cheap then I will have to deal with it. Perhaps another way of looking at the word “cheap” is being good at managing money, which my dad tells me is important for my future but then again he might just be saying that so he doesn’t have to spot me 20 dollars every now and then.
As far as easy goes there is no real way to avert that except to say that easy and lazy go hand and hand and although lazy isn’t much of a step up it’s a little better, and I can not tell a lie, I am one lazy girl. So I’d like to say that I spend hours preparing elaborate meals made from homegrown vegetables but in reality I make instant rice that cost 98 cents so that I can spend hours on the couch watching football and partaking in other activates and I will just have to accept the fact that that reflects on who I am as a person.

i like it, but their are still no pictures.
ReplyDeleteThere are pictures now! :)