Six am, the smell of bacon filled my room, as i began to rise like the sun over the mountains slow and steady. I could hear the pops, and cracks of the meat beginning to cry out in one last effort to survive. I once was told that god plus Jesus equals bacon, and I would have to agree, as bacon is the greatest breakfast food in the world. It has been put on many a breakfast sandwich, or lay next to some cheesy scrambled eggs, and even toped with fudge.
Entering the kitchen I listened as the cries of pain began to slow, signaling that it had finished cooking. Forking at my strips on my plate, my mind began to wonder as it often does in the morning. I wondered how an animal of such filth and discussed could be killed to make such a mouth watering dish. How could an animal that lives its life in mud, and eating all the scraps of the week's meals? How can something so wrong for your health be so good, as to put moral health aside, for a guilty pleaser.
The first piece made my mouth water with the anticipation of eating bacon, and i was inspired with the need to create poetry, in order to describe such a breakfast. I nibbled away at my place, and with each bite the words began to flow like fat of the bacon. Like a pig myself i stuffed my fuel for the day in my mouth eyeing the clock that now was screaming eat faster you’re late.
Soft, crunchy, goodness, of swine
Happy belly, groans no more.http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&q=bacon+love&wrapid=tlif12850050207182&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=7Z6XTP_FM5OksQOb9fHACg&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQsAQwAA
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