As I sit here
grouped together in a bag me and my seven single stuffed friends, our outer chocolate crunchy and slightly rough with a soft, creamy, frosty filling on the inside, I wonder what it would be like to be a double stuffed.
I have heard of these doubled stuffers. I hear they are twice as big, twice as creamy, and twice as much frosting! As a cookie this is very saddening we try to do our very best but there is only so much we can do when we are made by someone else. I imagine their outer shell being so soft when you bite into it you go straight through them. I bet even their bags have more stuffing! I bet they are nice and plushy, with extra frosting on the sides so they don't break. Man that would be living the high life.
But I am stuck here in my ziplock, plastic bag just my buddies for company. The only thing i have to look forward to is waiting for that girl over there to decide when she is going to let me pass through her mouth into her stomach. I bet she doesn't even really want me, what she really wants is one of those high rollin' doubled stuff who-da-whats with that extra sugar frosting. She probably isn't even going to eat me.
Ohhh wait I see her teal topped fingers reaching over here! One, two, three... five, all five soft, delicate fingers are now caressing my round, cookie shape. I'm moving up the ground is moving away! I think its finally happening. Are those lips? They are! They are moving apart I've never seen that happen before. I can see a whole new world, with weird shaped, white bumps aligning it. Here they come! Here they come!
Cookie Created
Chocolate is Delighted
Frosting is Insured
I love this! From the cookie's point of view. This cookie is so totally right, double stuff all the way baby!