Das Meyer really knows what they are doing when it comes to cakes. some of their many styles of cake are orange blossom, chocolate lovers, chocolate and caramel, and strawberry's and Champaign like i said these are just a few of their 25 cakes that they offer to their customers. now you more are more than likely asking yourself what makes these cakes so special. one other thing that makes theses cakes so great is butter cream icing. this icing is really something special it really bring out the fullness and greatness of the cake its also ritch and sweet flavor to the cake. the cakes are also a little moist which really melts in your mouth.Das Meyer really excelles on thier wedding cakes but they can make a cake for almost any occasion.
These cakes really bring everyone together for a no mater for a party or a wedding jaws will drop for these cakes i know mine did the first time i took a cite out of one of these cakes. no other cake that i have since or before can stack up to Das Meyer's cakes. Zach's decorating skills really makes these cakes pop out and really make them a piece of art that you don't want to ruin by cutting into it. when i first had my first piece of of cake at Das Meyer i knew right then and there that what i had just eat was simply the best cake that i would ever eat. plus everything taste better from a bakery any ways you really get that frest taste in every bite . After my first cake i always recommended Das Meyer to people when asking me were they should go for a cake for a party or a wedding.
i am a big believer in you pay for what you get, with that being said Das Meyer has some good deals on cake that you just cant find any were else. you really get your moneys worth. since i am a really close friends with Zach and his family i have almost all their cakes but yet i am still amazed by the sweet and grand taste of their cakes to this day. in my opinion Das Meyer has the best cakes in Arvada has to offer.
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