Sunday, October 3, 2010

Who Doesn't Like Turkey? Jessica Welton

The girl, that fell in love with the turkey legs. That would be me, and my addiction to the delicious turkey legs. I will take you on an adventure throughout my life, on how I fell in love with the super yummy, juicy turkey legs. They have become a big part of my life’s traditions. The traditions that have come about because of my obsessions with turkey legs, it has caused this wild love affair with the turkey legs. I desire to eat them on the adventures of my family’s vacations, my birthdays, and during Thanksgiving.

Now, I will take you back in time, to when I remember eating my very first turkey leg. It was late at night in Florida on our family vacation, to the happiest place on earth, “Disney World!” Sitting next to the beautiful pink, purple, and blue illuminated Cinderella Castle in the Magic Kingdom. It was as if I was in a magical fairytale; I felt as if I was a perfect little princess, waiting for my horse drawn carriage to come and take me away. All of a sudden as I was day dreaming away, my little tummy let out a big growl. I then turned to my dad; I looked up at him with the puppy-dog eyes, and in my cute little voice I told him that my belly growled at me. He then asked me “what would you like for dinner.” I wasn’t really sure I was just very hungry. That’s when my dad turned around and spotted a turkey leg stand. He then asked me if I wanted to try a smoke cooked turkey leg. I said back in a super excited voice "that would be yummy!" He then he walked over to the turkey leg stand. He left me with my mom who turned down, what sounded like the most delicious thing in the world. When my dad came back my eyes opened really wide as big as silver dollars, I was in shock the turkey leg was huge! It was bigger than my head! I then took a giant bite out of the center of the hot juicy turkey leg, it was delicious!

Now, after going to Disney World, just that one time has got me hooked on the yummy turkey legs, and has caused me to crave that huge turkey leg every time we go to Disney World. I have gone many times to Disney World over the years on my birthday, so I have had the opportunity to have many of their yummy, juicy, amazing, smoke cooked turkey legs. They have become my most favorite birthday present for lunch. Now, the addiction has gotten so bad that I have to have a turkey leg for my birthday, no matter where I end up. Just this year I decided to go to Universal Studios and Island of Adventure for my birthday. Surprisingly enough, I managed to find a little restaurant by the Jurassic Park River Ride, it was called Burger Digs. It seemed like fate lead me to this little restaurant to come to find out that they had giant turkey legs. The turkey legs seemed more like dinosaur legs, just because of how big they were. I am always in shock by how big the turkey legs are know matter where I get the them, you would think by me getting older, and taller that they wouldn’t look as big as when I first ate one. It was yummy and delicious as always; it seems like every time I eat a turkey legs, I burn my tongue and the roof of my mouth. I just can’t wait for it to cool down, the smell just entices me, and I cannot resist the urge to sink my teeth deep into the turkey legs, juicy, tender, dark pink meat.

After having wonderful experiences eating the yummy turkey legs, that is the only meat I will eat from a turkey. In addition to my traditions, being the biggest one of all is, I love to eat the juicy turkey legs on Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is one of the best times to have turkey legs, because they are different, by being slowly baked in the oven. This is one of my favorite memories of Thanksgiving that I will never forget. It all started on a Thanksgiving afternoon, I started by following the wafting, yummy smell coming from the kitchen. As, I crept down the stairs slowly like a little Indian, looking through the open back stairs searching for where my mom put the plates. I then, spotted the plates lying on the corner of the counter. I snuck around the corner and grabbed the white shiny china. I shuffled through the kitchen to the stove. I spotted the turkey lying in the big pan, with the steam rising from the turkey, like the smoke from a freshly put out campfire. I then stood right next to my dad who had the huge carving knife, as I spotted the glittering of light that shined from the tip, as he came down with the knife, I saw my reflection. He then hit the turkey with the carving knifes sharp blade; he cut out the turkey leg just for me. My dad knows what I wanted, as he put the big turkey leg down on the glimmering white china, etched with a gold rim and pink roses. I then went to the dining room table, where I sat waiting for my parents and my grandparents to sit down, finally we decided that my mom should say grace. I immediately dug into my turkey leg, as if I had never eaten before. During lunch I started daydreaming once again thinking of my English ancestors John and Mary Welton, as I was eating the turkey leg one giant bite at a time. I imagined how they came over seas to the New World on the Mayflower. It got me thinking what it would have been like back in the day with the Native American Indians, and the English colonists eating turkey legs. I thought how lucky and amazing I am to know that my ancestors ate at the very first Thanksgiving, and ate their very first turkey legs. I wonder if they thought that the turkey legs were as delicious as I do. I am also amazed that Thanksgiving actually has something to do with my family’s history. Therefore, I think it might be genetic of why I love turkey legs so much.

Now, that the journey through time has ended. I hope you have enjoyed my past and how much I love turkey legs. My addiction to the delicious, juicy meat will never end as long as I live. I think I might have inspired you to go out on your own adventure, and to try the slow cooked, moist and tender turkey leg meat. I bet you will devour the whole thing, and if you do not like it, well I am sorry that you don’t have excellent taste in wonderful food, like my beloved turkey legs.

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